Anti Censorship Package from PUCK

Distributed by Anonymous (2023-06-02)

Ways to connect when authorities block services
Unblock YouTube grants you access to any blocked web page
Snowstorm- Multi Hop VPN
Use ProxMate - This is a addons for webbrowser Mozilla Firefox or Chrome
DNS provider that is open and democratic
Circumvent Internet restrictions with Tor Browser
VPN for Android Users
VPN for Apple Users
Google Chrome Browser with VPN
Anonymox Addon for Firefox Browser
List of DNS servers that can be used to avoid censorship
How Do I Change DNS Servers?
Tor Browser
What is the Tor Browser?

In case it is needed: Online Security
Dial up internet access VPN Jabber
Alternate DNS
Stay Anonymous
General router DNS setup(recommended)
Express VPN
Anonymity Script
Secure your WiFi
Stop your internet provider from tracking you
VPN GATE client for Linux
Mesh Networks

Smartphone - Side loading Apps
Frost for Facebook
Google Camera ports

Virtual Machines
TOR Bridges
Virtual Machine for Linux- Oracle Virtual Box
Virtual Machine for Windows and Mac

Communication Apps
Threema (Not FREE) - Android, iOS, WEB
Threema offers end-to-end encryption, can be operated completely anonymously, no need to disclose phone number, communications are not stored in any cloud storage.
Signal (FREE) - Android, iOS, PC, Mac, Linux
Signal offers end-to-end encryption, cannot operate anonymously, requires a phone number.
Telegram (FREE) - Android, iOS, PC, Mac, Linux
Telegram does not have end-to-end encryption by default, requires a phone number, stores conversations in the cloud.
Element (FREE) Android, iOS, PC, Mac
Element lets you choose where your messages are stored, putting you in control of your data.

Readers - Bypassing Internet Censorship
Circumenvention Tools (published 2011-05-31)